ALERT: Jelly Bean users will end up with a
broken theme. This is due to a new encryption from Google Play upon
download. The launchers must change how themes are coded before this can
be fixed. Please email us for a non-encrypted copy using the Gmail
account you purchased with.
This is a launcher theme (for Apex, Nova, ADWEX, ADW.Launcher, LP, GO & more!) andwill not alter the look of your status bar, notifications or anything else. It WILL change the graphics and icons for many popular launcher replacements! ☺
- New graphics for dock bar (ADW & Go)!
- Over 400+ custom icons!
- Themed search widget (ADW & GO)!
- Wallpaper gallery included!
- Apex theme support
- ADW Theme support
- Launcher Pro theme support (limited to icons)
- Go Launcher EX theme support
- Support for Desktop Visualizer
- Support for Folder Organizer
- More icons are due to be added over time. Do you see missing icons in your app drawer? Please email us with requests. We want you to be satisfied with your purchase and will work to add new icons for whatever we have missed.
- Regarding 'MovetoSD' availability: If the app is moved to SD Card, you risk the custom icons not loading properly because of how the system loads the SD card OR the theme not being active after a device restart.
- Launcher Pro users may need to wipe data if they are having 'Force Close' issues. Phone Settings > Applications > Manage Applications, choose Launcher Pro, select 'Clear Data' and then try to load the icons again.
- Icons may also work with Crazy Home Lite, dxTop Lite, Open Home paid, Open Home free, VTL Launcher, Circle Launcher Paid, FTL Launcher, Launcher Pro and more!
- If you are having trouble - EMAIL US! Seriously, send us an email and help us to help you. If you want to request icons to be created, send an email for that as well. ☺
What's in this version:
- 30 new icons! See here: http://bit.ly/tersus122112
- Lots of activity fixes.
- Feel free to send us icon requests. You'll find the form here: http://bit.ly/kovrequests
- Do your system apps not auto-theme in the app drawer? Please email us so we can fix it. If a themed market app stops working, let us know about that too!
Type: APK
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